Athens, Greece: Reports about screamings and sounds of beatings from the building right next to the Turkish Embassy

Ι left work at 11.30pm and I was marching towards Syntagma square, passing by V. Georgiou street. There is a building with a turkish flag just after Rigilis street. It is probably the building of the turkish embassy. I went straight on but suddenly I heard people screaming and sounds of beatings coming from the building next to it. There is a huge window by the ground floor, which was half open, and that is where the sounds came from.

I removed my hoodie -it was raining- and I went closer so that I could hear better. I stood outside this window for almost 30 seconds and then realized what was going on. Τhe streets around were blocked by police cars and cops in plain clothes. [It should be noted that the amount of police force isn’t something new in the area – there wasn’t any significant difference regarding cops’ mobilisation or the guarding of specific spots tonight.]

It is very close to the presidential house there are security cameras everywhere and one of them was right over my head. I could not do anything and I could not record the whole thing because then I would describe my own torturing. I left the scene, went straight home and tweeted the incident. Other twitter users informed me that this is where the turkish embassy is located. Unfortunately I did not recognize any language…

Αθήνα, 1 Φλεβάρη: Αντιφασιστική συγκέντρωση ενάντια στην εθνικιστική φιέστα μίσους του νεοναζιστικού κόμματος της ΧΑ

Αντιφασιστική συγκέντρωση ενάντια στην εθνικιστική φιέστα μίσους του νεοναζιστικού κόμματος της ΧΑ

Τουρκία 22 Φλεβάρη 2014, διαμαρτυρία κατά της λογοκρισίας και του ελέγχου στο διαδίκτυο

Timeline της διαμαρτυρίας κατά της λογοκρισίας και του ελέγχου στο διαδίκτυο στην Τουρκία, το Σάββατο 22/2   Continue reading Τουρκία 22 Φλεβάρη 2014, διαμαρτυρία κατά της λογοκρισίας και του ελέγχου στο διαδίκτυο

comunicado del compañero Kostas Sakkas



El actual estado de emergencia permanente en su intento de abrir camino de nuevo al asalto del desarrollo capitalista,ataca ferozmente a casi toda la gente trabajadora. Eso confirma que la lucha de clases no sólo no está en declive sino que se encuentra en fase aguda. Los estados han sido siempre instrumentos de dominación clasista. Son sistemas de organización social que pretenden conciliar los contrastes históricamente insolubles entre los explotadores y los explotados.

La política impopular del gobierno, perfectamente alineada con las ordenes de sus jefes (UE, FMI), tiene como objetivo el desmantelamiento de toda conquista del pasado y la rendición incondicional de la clase obrera para que se vuelva aun más rentable para el capital, es decir, para que el capital pueda explotarla aun más. Ahora está más claro que nunca que el sistema político actua por cuenta de las élites financieras transnacionales y sirve a sus intereses. Actua por cuenta de las principales sociedades de inversión, de los gigantes de la banca mundial y de ciertos estados con políticas de especulación financiera, prestamismo y usura. Se ha convertido, en definitiva, en un sirviente de la economía de los mercados y del capital.

El sistema capitalista, que se encuentra en medio de una de las mayores crisis estructurales de su historia, tanto por su profundidad como por sus múltiples manifestaciones (banca, mercado inmobiliario, comercio), ha creado una crisis igual de grave también en el sistema político.

Continue reading comunicado del compañero Kostas Sakkas

Greece: Solidarity with the NO TAV movement

Solidarity with the NO TAV movement (Italy-Switzerland-France)


Either here, or there, repression is the same!

As in Chalkidiki, where the local population fights against the demolition of their land by modern gold-diggers as well as the state, a continuous crescendo of repression threatens 300 hundred activists with revengeful prosecutions.

As in Keratea, where the local community resisted against the make over of a whole area – including archaeology findings – into a landfill and set a stop to a capitalist attack. Capitalists perceived waste management as a golden opportunity to profit at the expense of the physical environment, animals and humans.

As in Oropos, where the local population showed the way we should treat corporate traffic blocks protected by cops, that is, motorway tolls.  Continue reading Greece: Solidarity with the NO TAV movement

Αλληλεγγύη στο κίνημα του NO TAV



Όπως στη Χαλκιδική, όπου οι κάτοικοι αγωνίζονται για να μην ισοπεδωθεί ο τόπος απ’ τους σύγχρονους χρυσοθήρες και το κράτος, με διαρκή κρεσέντο καταστολής, έχει βάλει σε καθεστώς δίωξης τριακόσιους αγωνιζόμενους.
Όπως στην Κερατέα, όπου η τοπική κοινωνία αντιστάθηκε στη μετατροπή μιας περιοχής -με παρουσία αρχαιοτήτων- σε ΧΥΤΑ, βάζοντας φραγμό στην επίθεση του κεφαλαίου, που είδε στη διαχείριση των σκουπιδιών μια χρυσή ευκαιρία για κέρδος σε βάρος του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος και των ζωών των κατοίκων.
Όπως στον Ωρωπό, όπου οι κάτοικοι έδειξαν τον τρόπο με τον οποίο οφείλουμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε τα προστατευόμενα από τους μπάτσους μπλόκα των εταιρειών στους δρόμους, που λέγονται διόδια.

Continue reading Αλληλεγγύη στο κίνημα του NO TAV

Letter from comrade Kostas Sakkas, 17.02.2014



The current state of -permanent- exception, that constitutes an attempt to pave the way to yet another developmental invasion by the capital, unleashes an onslaught against almost all working people, confirming that class war is not only raging but is also becoming more extreme. States have always been instruments of class rule; the state is a system of social organisation that aims to reconcile the historically irreconcilable contradictions between exploiters and the exploited.

The unpopular government policy, perfectly aligned with their bosses’ (EU, IMF) orders, aims at the unconditional surrender of the contemporary working class and its decommissioning of each conquest of the past in order to make it even more exploitable, even more profitable for capital. More than any other period, the political system is acting on behalf of the transnational economic elite serving its interests. It’s acting on behalf of bank colossus, loan-shark states, serving, and facilitating, the economy of the markets and global capital.

The capitalist system, which is in the midst of one of the most severe structural crises in its history, both in terms of its depth as well as its multiple manifestations (banks, real estate, trade), has also launched a crisis of equivalent weight in the political system.

Continue reading Letter from comrade Kostas Sakkas, 17.02.2014