Yesterday at 10/1/2014, after 60 days on hunger strie, the judicial council of Thessaloniki adopted the much needed decision concerning my fate in an implied criminal involvement. The result has not been announced to me, until the official publication of the οrdinance. Given that the final decision regarding my case has already been made, I deny to participate in their bureaucratic game or use my health condition according to predifined conditions, I, therefore, decide to put an end to the hunger strike that I started on the 11-11-2013. Continue reading Statement of Spyros Stratoulis about the end of his hunger strike
Tag: Stratoulis
Solidarité avec le gréviste de la faim Spyros Stratoulis
Le camarade Spyros Stratoulis est emprisonné depuis l’âge de 17 ans. Cela fait 21 ans qu’il garde une attitude rebelle en participant à des actions, à des grèves de la faim et à des révoltes, en payant ce cursus digne avec une pléiade des peines disciplinaires. Tout au long de ces années d’emprisonnement, il a pris contact avec des combattants anarchistes et a participé aux luttes politiques dans l’enceinte de la prison. En 2008, il est à nouveau en détention à cause de la vague de révoltes dans les prisons( , suite à l’agression de l’anarchiste Giannis Dimitrakis par des gardiens. Aujourd’hui la machine répressive, en utilisant les entretiens téléphoniques d’autres personnes, saisit l’opportunité de rassasier sa soif de vengeance en le compromettant dans une organisation criminelle fantasmée: « Squats de Thessalonique ». S. Stratoulis est privé de ses droits de sortie gagnés après des années de lutte, en risquant une extension de son temps de détention pour une période inconnue jusqu’au déroulement de son procès.
Solidarity with the hunger striker Spyros Stratoulis
Comrade Spyros Stratoulis has been imprisoned since the age of 17. For 21 years now he is keeping a rebellious stance by participating into action
s, hunger strikes and revolts, but paying for his dignified course of actions with a large number of disciplinary punishments. Thr
oughout the years in prison he has been connected with anarchist fighters and political struggles inside the walls [T/N: in prison]. In 2008, he was kept in custody again occasioned by a wave of insurrections in prisons (the long struggle in 2008 with thousands of imprisoned hunger strikers in Greece -English subs ), after the attack against the anarchist John Dimitrakis by the prison guards. Today, the repressive mechanism, by exploiting telephone conservations of other people, is finding the opportunity to unfold its avenging rage by accusing him of participating in the so-called criminal organization “Thessalonica’s haunts”. Spyros Stratoulis is deprived of his prison leaves which he has gained with long fights while his time imprisonment risks to be extended indefinitely until the holding of the trial for his case. Continue reading Solidarity with the hunger striker Spyros Stratoulis
Comunicado en solidaridad con el huelgista de hambre Spyros Stratoulis
El compañero Spyros Stratoulis está preso desde que tenía 17 años. Desde hace ya 21 años mantiene una actitud rebelde e inconformista participando en actos revolucionarios, huelgas de hambre e insurreciones y ha pagado con una multitud de sanciones disciplinarias por permanecer en este camino digno. A lo largo de su encarcelamiento se ha asociado con otros presos anarquistas y ha colaborado en acciones afines a la guerra social realizadas dentro de la cárcel. El año 2008 Spyros fue de nuevo detenido a causa de las oleadas de rebeliones en cárceles griegas provocadas por la agresión de los carceleros contra el preso anarquista Giannis Dimitrakis. Hoy la ingeniería represiva, usando el contenido de conversaciones telefónicas efectuadas por otras personas, muestra su cara cruel y vengativa vinculando a Spyros Stratoulis con una supuesta banda organizada llamada “Guaridas de Salónica”. De ese modo S. Stratoulis se priva de sus permisos de salida conseguidos tras años de lucha, mientras su detención se prolonga por un período indefinido, es decir, hasta que se haya juzgado este último caso.
Continue reading Comunicado en solidaridad con el huelgista de hambre Spyros Stratoulis
Solidaridad con el huelgista de hambre Spyros Stratoulis
JUEVES 9/1, 17.00
Spiros Stratoulis: La lucha por la dignidad y la libertad
Action Day in solidarity with imprisoned hunger striker (60 days) Spyros #Stratoulis
Thursday 9/1, Greece
Dimadi square | 18.00 pm | Solidarity demo | Apertus squat
Monastiraki | 17.00 pm | Solidarity demo | Solidarity assembly for Sp. Stratoulis & Antiauthoritarian Movement Athens
Heraklion, Crete–>
Liontaria square| 18.00 pm | Solidarity demo | Sine Dominis
Thessaloniki –>
Kamara | 18.00 pm | Solidarity demo | Solidarity assembly for Sp. Stratoulis & Antiauthoritarian Movement Thessaloniki
Prefecture | 18.00 pm | Solidarity action | solidarity group
Stratoulis on hunger strike since 11/11: Latest medical report
For the 4th time Spiros Stratoulis, on hunger strike for 59 days(since 11/11/2013), is transfered to the University hospital of Larisas, and for the 4th time he signs and leaves. According to his doctor Dimitris Mpampalis and his advocate Stratouli Konstantina Katsia, the treatment of the medical and nursing staff of the hospital until now is completely unethical, highlighting the right of the police forces to be at the place of examination and the prohibition of his personal doctor to have any contact with him.
Continue reading Stratoulis on hunger strike since 11/11: Latest medical report