Revolutionära Frontens uttalande om uppdrag granskning



I dagens Uppdrag Granskning (2014-05-07) gör Janne Josefsson sitt bästa för att föra fram lika goda kålsupar-teorin, teorin där man försöker likställa socialister med nazister och fascister. I sitt försök till detta drar sig Uppdrag Granskning inte för att undanhålla sanningen och komma med falska påståenden.

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Letter from the convicted antifascist #freejoel


antifa stockholm

So, today the verdict will fall. The question is if it will be in proportion to what happened in the Stockholm suburb of Kärrtorp? Will it be in proportion to the verdicts that were delivered to the nazis? Probably not. The prosecutor have called for a 7 year punishment. This is the very same prosecutor who was happy with a few months of jail-time for the Nazis who attacked the peaceful manifestation. The same prosecutor who, in the closing argument, said that it was enough to ask people to go to a peaceful manifestation to be judged as a leader. Continue reading Letter from the convicted antifascist #freejoel

Σουηδία: Κείμενο Αλληλεγγύης στους 10 συλληφθέντες αντιφασίστες

Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστική Νεολαία Στοκχόλμης (SUF): Αλληλεγγύη στο Επαναστατικό Μέτωπο (Revolutionära Fronten)

Φωτογραφία με μέλη της οργάνωσης RF
Continue reading Σουηδία: Κείμενο Αλληλεγγύης στους 10 συλληφθέντες αντιφασίστες