Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστική Νεολαία Στοκχόλμης (SUF): Αλληλεγγύη στο Επαναστατικό Μέτωπο (Revolutionära Fronten)
Tag: Sweden
A message from a comrade in Sweden regarding the nation-wide student demonstrations against privatizations
Yesterday, Thursday the 14th, there were nation-wide demonstrations, sit-ins and meetings in Sweden.
All under the slogan #ockuper auniversitetet which translates to #occupytheuniversity. Sweden has never had a real student movement, not
during 68 or the 70’s and not after that. Nothing that compares to the events in France, Italy or elsewhere. The Swedish left wing, also it’s more radical elements, have always contained some skepticism towards organizing as students. In later years the autonomous movement has preferred to organised as precarious workers rather than students. There have been some organisations, currents and struggles, of course.